I will be the warmth even warmer than your room could ever give.when you're down,
I will be the stair you can climb on to see that there is so much more things to be happy of.when it's day,
I will be the shade you can take rest on because life isn't that rude.when you're happy,
I will be with you laughing and pulling that curve even more. You're beautiful.when you're walking,
I will walk with you till my slippers get torn off. Even barefooted as long as I am with you.when you're in love,
I will be with you till the end of time because i don't want to take that prettiest feeling out from you.because when i am not with you,
I feel cold.when you are not with me,
Do you feel this too?
you are a gift from GOD i will cherish till the rest of this breath i am borrowing.